Each week is so busy it feels like I should be updating the blog daily...but time does not allow. We enjoyed a visit from Medad today, as he made his way back to Tallahassee to do important things:) Maddy got to show off her new big girl room, her artistic talents, her bike riding and soccer skills along with some Maditude! She also got some silly mix match socks from her Aunt Heidi this week, just in time for her Princess dance recital. Her feet are too small for her tap shoes but fit PERFECTLY with her new socks!!!Good job Heidi:) You already know that she was a beautiful flower girl but I had not yet posted pics. I hope I remembered to put a little of all of it up here, but if not, I will post them next time. This week we are headed to the beach to play, on a boat ride to see dolphins and a private beach to shell, to the movie to see Horton Hears a Who (free at the local theater) and several playdates, as usual. We hope you all have a great week as well!