So much fun.....
We had so much fun with Maddy this weekend! SHe is doing new things all the time and this weekend she tackled her first nerf gun. For weeks she has been watching her daddy sneak attack shoot me and any visitor that walks through the front door. So because she is SO smart, she persuaded Getta to help her shoot her daddy and the mission was successful. Afterward she had to make nice with Clint so they hung out together on the bed and that is the picture to the far left! Pretty cute eh? She is at daycare today....with very few friends.... since it is a holiday and most people are relaxing at home. Obviously not the Huff household. Maddy started on fruits(bananas) yesterday after trying all her vegetables, except green beans...forgot to buy those, and she loves them. I will be sure to take a picture of her eating solids and post it for your viewing pleasure.
Have a great week.