Maddy had such a busy week!! She got to go to the aquarium with just her daddy and she had lots of fun! He even got pictures of her having fun in the play area; props to daddy. She also got to see Murray and Luis a couple of times and played in the pool with her Aunt Getta...I have some cute pics of that but Getta doesn't like pictures of herself...crazy girl! She went and played with Gabriel and Olivia and then went to Relay for Life walk to support some of my coworkers that are cancer survivors! She loved the long jump was a sandbox just for her:) Then we went over to see Nini and Henry. She had been asking for them for TWO STRAIGHT WEEKS. She was so excited to go on the boat and she loved every second of it...even wearing her "magic jacket." Jeanine figured she might fall asleep on the boat and I would have bet against her! I would have lost that bet. In the picture of her in my arms below, she is SOUND ASLEEP. The fact that she fell asleep was crazy enough but the fact that she stayed asleep with all the boat traffic was more amazing. She got herself a 45 minute power nap and was ready for round 2. We got home and she immediately played on her bike. She couldn't reach the peddles but she could make the horn work and that was good enough for her. She also went fishing in her pool and played golf in the backyard. There is never a shortage of things to do with gramma Nini and grandpa Henry. At the end of the day she fell asleep in the highchair and again in my arms while I was eating dinner. She is still recovering from her busy week today but will succeed and enjoy another fun filled week! Happy Mother's Day to any who read the blog today:)